赵允明 博士 汇量科技(Mobvista)创始人兼CEO 我于2006年开始进入移动广告领域,是这一领域的早期开拓者之一。我在创立Mobvista前,曾是谷歌大中华区第一支移动销售团队负责人,直接向Google全球总裁汇报。在此之前,我曾在百度任职六年,负责百度的海外业务,建立并领导了百度的第一个海外分支机构——百度新加坡分公司;也是百度第一个进军日本市场的项目负责人,带领百度在日本市场首次拿到了一个日文搜索引擎的关键词排名。
李慧 副总裁 李女士于2017年9月加入汇量科技,历任客户成功部总监、营销拓展部总监、副总裁等职务。在李小姐的领导下,CSG客户成功团队连续多次获得“最佳增长奖”和“最佳组织进步奖”,并帮助CSG客户成功业务版块连续两年实现业绩翻番,成为公司重要的利润来源。
肖莹莹 首席财务官 Xiao joined Mobvista in August 2018 as the CFO of the company and is based in Shanghai. Prior to joining, Xiao was with Google for more than five years where she held positions in both corporate development and finance. At Google, her responsibilities included leading deal execution on strategic investments and acquisitions, managing go-to-market strategies for new products and services across EMEA, Latin America and APAC regions and driving financial planning and analysis for all business units and regional operations.
Xiao started her career at PWC US where she focused on transactions in media & communications, consumer & retail and technology sectors. She holds a BS degree from New York University’s Stern School of Business and an MBA from Columbia Business School.